C.A.R.E. Puppy Program

Support focused on a puppy’s well-being

When “behavior problems” arise with our family dogs, it’s not a matter of obedience, or that they simply just need more “training”. Rather, these “problems” are actually an expression of a dog’s complex needs, and often involve ‘normal’ canine-specific behaviors. These tend to occur in contexts we humans may understandably find “undesirable”, challenging and frustrating. This is especially the case with puppies!

Our C.A.R.E. Puppy Program™️ is focused on the individual puppy’s well-being and their needs - from the sensitive period of socialization (3-12 weeks), through their juvenile stage (3-6 months), and into the start of adolescence. We seek to first understand the puppy’s unique needs, or L.E.G.S.® (Learning, Environment, Genetics, Self). We then consider how that all intersects with the needs and goals of the family, to provide specific support. Learn more below…

Step 1: Puppy Consult

This is the starting point, where we provide individualized recommendations to support the puppy and family. This is a proactive approach, so we recommend starting your puppy at 8-10 weeks of age. Eligibility: puppies up to 6 months of age.

What’s included:

• Assessment of your puppy's history and L.E.G.S.®

• Puppy Plan- prevention/enrichment strategies, teaching life skills; instruction and feedback; handouts, text and video support; and an emailed report to you and your primary veterinarian.

Cost: $185 per 90-minute consult

A travel fee may apply for in-home puppy consults and packages; see scheduling page for more details.

Step 2: Six Session Puppy Package

With the completion of a puppy consult, you can elect for a Six Session Puppy Package to support your puppy’s well-being throughout their developmental stages. Sessions are offered as in-home, scheduled every 1-2 weeks. We recommend scheduling the first package session immediately following your puppy consult.

What’s included:

  • Positive socialization, healthy play, and social bonding for your puppy

  • Enrichment activities, refining life skills (recall, calm settle, targeting, loose leash walking), breed-specific needs and affordances

  • Environmental management, building predictable patterns in the home

  • Outdoor Adventures: leash walking, building recall, patio time

  • Cooperative care for grooming/vet visits and consent in handling

  • Support for your puppy’s transition into juvenile stage, then adolescence

  • “Hands on” Instruction and feedback, educational handouts, and text and video support— helping humans with the “puppy woes”!

Cost: $675 for six one-hour puppy sessions

Kind Words

“Finding Brian was a Godsend. He helped us understand the psychology behind the behaviors we were experiencing with Lucy, our bernedoodle puppy. He provided us with tips and resources to help us manage the undesirable behaviors, meet Lucy’s needs, and ultimately get the behaviors that we desired. His focus on having us build a positive relationship with Lucy will benefit us throughout her lifetime! We highly recommend Brian!"

Toni, Jay, and Lucy